Recipes that nourish
This is the time to set yourself up for the whole day. Starting your day with a meal balanced of macronutrients will improve the way you function both physically and mentally throughout the whole day and help to keep your blood sugar level.
While starchy carbs give you a fast energy boost they will also result in a slump later in the morning driving your need to snack on similar foods or top up with caffeine. Prioritising protein, quality fats (this includes fats from healthy pasture raised animals) and carbohydrates such as fruits and colourful vegetables with meals will sustain brain function and energy longer without the glucose crash as well as being nutrient dense for a healthy gut and immunity.
Lunch bridges the gap between breakfast and dinner, depending on the nature of your day in most cases it can be lighter, it gives us opportunity to use up left overs and it can be made really quickly and even in advance if you’re organised.
Just because you’ve set your day up with nutrition at breakfast why let things slide here? Think fresh leafy greens on hand, knocking up a delicious salad using left over proteins, roast veg and some whole grains or nuts & seeds could be one of your new favourite go to’s.
For sleep quality and your bodies restoration aim to eat dinner early, around 6pm where possible. Our circadium rhythm begins its repair on our digestive system later at night from 10pm while we sleep, so ideally we want our dinner to be fully digested before this time in order for optimal repair. Going into our rest time with a full belly will slow down our systems repair effecting our quality of sleep.
A palm size portion of protein with each meal daily is ideal accompanied by a variety of non starchy vegetables, some quality fats to assist vitamin absorption and gut health. Include some whole grains throughout the week. Variety is key here.