Adopt the basics around clean eating.

These are foundational and with these tips healthier cooking will be a breeze.


Kitchen ware in a nutshell

You may or may not be aware but the equipment you use to cook and store food can have a big impact on your health. Cheap cookware and non stick pans with coatings like Teflon contain chemicals called PFAS, these chemicals are also found in the foam in fire extinguishers! they’re endocrine disruptors making them very damaging to our overall hormone health, as well as linked with cancers. Plastic storage containers also leach toxins into your food. Choosing clean cookware and storage won’t taint your food and it’ll also help you cook like a professional.

If you’re like me and have an inability to dispose of glass jars, put them to use. Use glass for storing ingredients in your pantry or left overs in your fridge and freezer in the attempt to minimise plastics in your home for the sake of the planet and your families health.

basics for healthy cooking

Meat stocks and bone broths: Have been used for centuries for soups, stews, sauces and curries but also as medicine for recovering illness, and rightly so! Broths are simple to make, delicious & deeply nourishing for our gut health, including them in your kitchen repertoire will have profound effects on your health and wellbeing.

Ghee: Butter which has been cooked and oils separated from the whey. A clean natural fat high in antioxidant properties, high in vitamins A & E for liver and hormonal health and also butyric acid which is anti-inflammatory making it favourable among us ‘food as medicine’ peeps for assisting in disease prevention. It imparts a delicious buttery flavour and holds a high smoke point making ideal for cooking pretty much anything.

Simply adding these two basic starting points into your kitchen prep will help to transform your cooking and your health.

I prefer to always have them on hand and prepare them weekly.

clean pantry staples

When making the conversion to a whole foods way of eating the first and best thing you can do is begin to clean up your pantry.

Think simply storage for whole food ingredients, there to cook or add to balance out a meal, and no nasty processed foods.

The majority of the food we eat each day lives fresh in the fridge!

Where possible I like to keep the pantry organic. Things like tinned tomatoes, coconut cream and whole grains are inexpensive ingredients so its well worth stocking the best you can afford here.