quick cook ups
Lest face it, days are often busy but we still need to take a bit of time to nourish ourselves properly, this doesn’t need to be a long drawn out affair though sometimes this is nice! Quick cooks can be just as nourishing.
Often a go to around my place especially when everyone is home and not feeling the desire to cook after a busy morning of farmers markets and playing. Simply chopping, slicing and mashing some fresh produce & paired with any left over cooked proteins, ferments, cheese or pickles you’re away. Easy peasy.
slow days
Think no plans, cold or rainy weather or just in need of a quiet weekend in with the tribe. Lunches can easily override dinner on these days and the whole day revolves around meal planning, food preparation, cooking and eating. Kids learn and help to cook and added benefit of a family meal at the end. Now this is my kinda day!